
Monday, August 9, 2010

{investments, change and smoothies}





This weekend the kids & I were on our own. Husband was on a fishing trip to Costa Rica. Why is it that when the husband is gone I am more efficient. It is the weirdest thing. Anyway the kids & I stayed up late every night reading & watching movies. Sunday rolled around and I would be bluffing if I said that the thought of not going to church crossed my mind. We went and you better believe that the first thing I did when we got home was kick off those green fluffy shoes, sat on the couch and stared at the wall while rocking back and forth, mom-ma:-). Well when we were at church Steve Shiflet approached me asking, "Didin't you use to work for one of those really big investment banking companies?" Of course I answered by telling him that I used to work for Goldman Sachs. With a smirk I then said, "Guess what I work for an even bigger investment banking company now." He looked a little puzzled until I said that the company I worked for now was my family. Steve then got the whole investment comparison thing even though he probably thought I was silly. I decided that what I had said was a good one because afterall I am investing way more into these kids hoping for an even greater return than any fund could ever produce. For the rest of the Sabbath Day I wondered if I should be fired from my Mom job. Either which way it didn't really matter because it is what it is and I can only do better (which I am glad for church because I usually always want to be better after I depart those chapel doors and I was just kidding about the rocking back and forth part when I got home). Well I am extra sensitive to my mothering rearing skills because my girls are entering into the school of big girls. It is for real now and there is no turning back. back................
I went into the guest bedroom and watched my girl as her back was turned to me. Today we were going to cut all of those long beautiful locks. Change is in air. It is part of life and natural progression but sometimes so dang hard. Perhaps in the next couple of days when I drop the girls off for Kindergarten I will think of those beautiful locks of hair on the ground and the chance for growth as I try to embrace change.

Man I have a lot to learn.


P.S. - I love how smoothies make myself feel better about being a Mom. My kids have no idea there are veggies mixed into all of that goodness.

Mother's Most Recent Smoothie of Love:

big heaping handful of spinach
fresh berries
cold milled golden flax seed
kefir or yogurt
water mixed with a bit of apple juice


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